Plantar Wart Treatment | Case Study 1

Plantar Wart Treatment | Case Study 1

Case study 1

Plantar Wart Treatment Case Study 1: This is a case study on a patients treatment and the results,

This patient is a 20 year old that has numerous plantar warts on her right foot. She has had these for in excess of 2 years and they have only spread over time.

Treatments to date includes the use of salicylic acid and liquid nitrogen. The results of both of these were not successful in fact the warts spread and progressively became worse.

I consulted this patient and suggested that the best way to attack this condition would be the use of laser. I advised the patient against the use of surgery as I felt from my experience that the warts would most likely not respond also due to the sheer size and number of them it would be a very painful exercise for her.

I further advised her that I felt the best way to tackle this would be several treatments with laser to minimize any discomfort.

Due to the distance this patient traveled for treatment we conducted the treatments over around 10 months. Each wart we treated with laser responded very well and over around 10 months the whole foot was cleared of warts. This was a great result this patient is an athlete and the plantar wart treatment we carried out had minimal to no effect on her training. She is extremely happy with the results and said she would recommend this form of plantar wart treatment to anyone.

Pictures of Plantar Wart Treatment

Plantar Wart Case Study 1 -1 Plantar Wart Case Study 1 -2 Plantar Wart Case Study 1 -3 Plantar Wart Case Study 1 -4 Plantar Wart Case Study 1 -5 Plantar Wart Case Study 1 -6 Plantar Wart Case Study 1 -7

Need Plantar Wart Treatment ?

If you have persistent problems with warts and have tried several forms of plantar wart treatment but are still not getting the results you want give us a call at Brighton Podiatry we specialize in the treatment of verruca plantaris and we are more than happy to assess your warts and advise you on the most appropriate form of treatment for your case. We can deal with simple cases which involve one or two areas right up to cases that involve large areas of the foot. It is important to start plantar wart treatment before a simple single wart spreads and becomes a much bigger problem.

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administrator-greg Head Podiatrist
Dr Greg Bastin is passionate about the treatment of Warts he has specialised in this for over 25 Years.